What Well Do You Draw From?

Perception is a make or break when it comes to your mental health. What I mean by this is how you perceive things matters. How do you look at life? Is the glass half empty or is the glass half full?

Take a moment and listen to your internal dialogue. Your internal dialogue are the conversations you have with yourself. Is your internal dialogue telling you things that are negative about your life, about people in your life, about yourself, or is your internal dialogue telling you things that are positive about all these things?

Next time you are in a situation that is upsetting you, causing you sleepless nights, grumpy moods, sad or angry feelings consider asking yourself this, “What Well am I Drawing From?”

What that mean is, are you drawing from the negative well or are you drawing from the positive well?

This is a very important question because if you are drawing from the negative well and getting yourself upset a whole host of things can be going on inside of your body. You could be secreting more adrenaline and cortisol. You could be accelerating your heart rate. You could be causing yourself anxiety and even depression. Why is this? This is because every time you upset yourself you are upsetting your nervous system, your fight or flight response.

Over time the body begins to break down. This is where we begin to see auto-immune disorders, long term depression, anxiety, pains in the body where there appears to be nothing wrong, for example. This is because the body does keep the score. Your mind and body are very connected and if your mind is in the negative your body is as well. Also, remember, where we are vibrating is what we are going to attract.

Toxic Positivity is a real thing. I am not talking about being positive when things are utter shit. My advice is to always feel the feelings even if they are very painful. Get in there and feel. Why? Because if you do this you can process and allow the feelings to leave your body, so they are not trapped and allowed to disrupt your mental and physical health. People who walk around pretending nothing is wrong, suppressing, suppressing, suppressing, will eventually blow up. Whether that be their body breaking down, their mind or both. Suppressed feelings come out eventually whether you want them to or not.

Let’s put it all together. 

If you are a person who has a glass half empty type of vibe start by honoring the current feelings you have. Feel those feelings. I feel so angry, I feel so sad, I feel so disappointed, I feel so hurt. Whatever they may be for you. Then get into solution mode. Is there another way I can look at this? Is there a silver lining here? What can I do to not feel this way anymore? How can I start taking care of myself and making myself happy?

If you start to practice this, I have a feeling you are going to find more joy, feel better mentally and physically. Get out of the negative and into the positive. Would you rather walk around feeling great or would you rather walk around feeling crappy?

What well do you draw from?

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