To Boast or not to Boast?

Does this sound familiar to you: Not wanting to tell anyone about your accomplishments out of fear of seeming arrogant and boastful. So you don’t say anything.

Does this sound familiar to you: A woman shares what she is doing with her life with all of her accomplishments and current goals. People walk away thinking she is arrogant and possibly a self-serving bitch.

Does this sound familiar to you: A man has no problem sharing all of his accolades. “I just closed the biggest deal of my career and I went out and bought a brand new Porsche and a bigger house. Everyone ooooos and ahhhhhhs him and thinks he is wonderful.


Now in no way am I man bashing. I am simply making an observation based on my experiences and what I have heard from my friends and clients. Most men don’t have a problem sharing their victories, most women do.


I hear my clients talk a lot about not wanting to share their accolades because it will make them seem arrogant. So, what they end up doing is making themselves small.  We as woman, many of us, walk around not standing in our own light. What I mean by this is many women walk around not acknowledging and being proud of what they do. What happens when we do this is, as women, we are covertly diminishing ourselves. When we diminish ourselves, our souls know it and eventually this leads to anxiety and depression. Imagine you have this beautiful sparkle and you put it in a cage with a dark cloud over it. Opposed to having the sparkle standing in a beautiful meadow with full sun shining down on it. Those two visuals are very different.

So, what do you do about this?


This is how I want you to think about this: There are two scenarios.

The first one is you are telling people about all your accomplishments and future goals. You have an energy of arrogance, and you are looking down at the people you are telling as if you are better than they are. You are doing something fabulous, and they are not.


The second scenario is you are telling people about your accomplishments and your energy is all about excitement and joy. You then ask the people you are sharing this news with what are they doing and how excited you are for them. You elevate them as much as you are elevating yourself. It’s a win win situation because you are sharing with them, and you are supporting them.

These scenarios are very different.

When you walk through the world holding your head high, sharing your accolades and being proud of your life and all of your accomplishments you are standing in your light and honoring yourself. It feels amazing and it promotes joy in you. That is what you are projecting to the world. Think of yourself as being a beacon of light not only for you but for others. When you are vibrating in this energy you will have more peace and happiness. You will be free of anxiety and depression.

How does that sound?

Celebrate you and celebrate those around you. 

Chat soon xo



Golden Milk :)


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